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Figure 4. There is no antagonist or synergistic effect between CASZ1b and CASZ1a at the level of gene transcription.A. Induction of NGFR and TH expression in the SY5YtetCASZ1a and SY5YtetCASZ1b clones after induction of CASZ1a and CASZ1b by Tet at 24 hours was confirmed by real time PCR (all p<0.01). B. pCMVTag2A empty vector (EMV) or pCMVTag2A-CASZ1a (pCMVtag2A-CASZ1b) was transiently transfected into 293T cells, and the fold induction of NGFR and TH by CASZ1a or CASZ1b compared to EMV at 24 hr was detected by real time PCR (all p<0.01). C. TH-Luciferase construct was activated by CASZ1b and CASZ1a 24 hours after transfection of HEK293T cells at 24 hr (p<0.0005). D. The degree of NGFR induction by co-transfection of CASZ1b plus CASZ1a into HEK293T cells is similar to the cells that were transfected by single isoform.

Image published in: Liu Z et al. (2011)

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