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Figure 8. Effect of 10 mM MgATP on Kir6.2-G334D/SUR1 kinetics. (A and C) Single Kir6.2-G334D/SUR1 currents recorded at −60 mV from the same patch first in nucleotide-free solution (A), and then in the presence of 10 mM MgATP (C). c, the closed current level. (B and D) Distributions of open times (left), closed times (middle), and burst durations (right) in 0 mM MgATP (B; PO = 0.26) and in 10 mM MgATP (D; PO = 0.82). The distributions were fit with the following parameters. For 0 mM MgATP (B): open times: τO = 2.34 ms (τO,COR = 1.57 ms); closed times: τC1 = 0.33 ms, aC1 = 0.901; τC2 = 5.5 ms, aC2 = 0.043; τC3 = 39 ms, aC3 = 0.049; τC4 = 192 ms, aC4 = 0.007; burst times: τB1 = 33 ms, aB1 = 0.53; τB2 = 9.3 ms, aB2 = 0.34; τB3 = 0.63 ms, aB3 = 0.13. The mean burst duration (τB) was 20.8 ms. For 10 mM MgATP (D): open times: τO = 2.73 ms (τO,COR = 1.75 ms); closed times: τC1 = 0.33 ms, aC1 = 0.994; τC2 = 2.5 ms, aC2 = 0.004; τC3 = 14 ms, aC3 = 0.003; burst times: τB ≡ τB1 = 282 ms.

Image published in: Proks P et al. (2010)

© 2010 Proks et al. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license

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