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Xenbase Image ID: 123650

Figure 2. Protein constructs used in this work.CKIα and -ε are shown with their conserved kinase domains in gray and black, respectively (89% similarity, 75% identity). The arrow indicates the position of residue 295 in CKIε, and the non-conserved, charged region of the protein is colored red. The filled arrowhead indicates the position of residue 319, where CKIε is conventionally truncated. The C-terminus contains autophosphorylation sites and is colored yellow. The open arrowhead and white bars indicate the position of residues N275 and R279 (CKIε), and I283 and T287 (CKIα).

Image published in: Dahlberg CL et al. (2009)

Dahlberg et al. Creative Commons Attribution license

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