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Xenbase Image ID: 125020

Figure 2. The intronic TRE and CRE sites bind members of the CREB and AP-1 families of transcription factors.EMSA using HeLa nuclear extracts and probes corresponding to the TRE and CRE sites of c-fos first intron. A. Competition analysis with non-radioactive probes wt (lanes 3, 4) or mutated on the TRE (lanes 5, 6), the CRE (lanes 7, 8), or both (lanes 9, 10). Lane 1 shows the probe without extract, lane 2 with extract but without competing cold probe. B. Disruption or supershift of the protein/DNA complexes. The probe (lane 1) was incubated with HeLa nuclear extract (lanes 2 to 9) and antibodies to c-Fos (lane 3), c-Jun (lane 4), ATF-a (lane 5), ATF-1 (lane 6), JunB (lane 7), CREB-1 (lane 8), and CREM (lane 9).

Image published in: Coulon V et al. (2010)

Coulon et al. Creative Commons Attribution license

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