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Xenbase Image ID: 128389

Figure 6. PRMT5 and MEP50 substrate binding. A.Biotinylated histone peptides [H2A, H2B, H3, H4, and H2A.X-F (all residues 1–20), and H2A.X-F (119–138)] and Npm (176–196) bound to streptavidin beads were incubated with 25 nM (tetramer) PRMT5-MEP50 complex or B. 100 nM MEP50. Captured protein was immunoblotted as indicated. “Beads” indicates no peptide. C. Biotinylated histone peptides [H2A, H2B, H3, H4, and H2A and H4 with phosphorylated S1 (S1ph)] and Npm (176–196) bound to streptavidin beads were incubated with 100 nM (monomer) Flag-HsPRMT5. Captured protein was immunoblotted.

Image published in: Ho MC et al. (2013)

Image reproduced on Xenbase with permission of the publisher and the copyright holder. Creative Commons Attribution license

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