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Fig. 5. Morpholino knock-down of Shroom2 results in severe RPE hypopigmentation. (A) RT-PCR confirmation of morpholino efficacy. Normally spliced Shroom2 mRNA was absent from 80 ng Shroom2-SPL-MO injected embryos. (B) Shroom2-SPL-MO or Shroom2-5MM-MO (80 ng) was injected into two animal blastomeres at the four-cell stage and embryos were grown to stage 42. (C,D) Shroom2-SPL-MO injected embryos show severe reduced RPE pigmentation (E,e′) when compared with stage-matched uninjected or Shroom-5MM-MO embryos (C-d′). (F) Measurement of pixel density in the eye indicates no significant difference in pigmentation between uninjected and Shroom2-5MM-MO-injected embryos at stage 39, but a drastic difference between pixel density between controls and Shroom2-SPL-MO eyes.

Image published in: Fairbank PD et al. (2006)

Copyright © 2006. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher and the copyright holder. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.

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