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Xenbase Image ID: 127565

Figure 4. Both axin1 and axin1(Q162A) rescue hyperdorsalization in maternal axin1-depleted embryos.(A–D) Representative phenotypes of control and axin1-depleted Xenopus embryos obtained following host transfer. Chart showing distribution of phenotypes is inset in each panel, percentages are indicated; black = normal, grey = dorsalized. (A) control uninjected stage 37 embryo, (n = 40) (B) axin1-depleted embryo (4 ng oligo; n = 44), (C) axin1-depleted embryo injected with 60 pg axin1 mRNA (n = 32), (D) axin1-depleted embryo injected with 60 pg axin1(Q162A) mRNA (n = 21). (E) Representative realtime RT-PCR of sia1, nr3.1 and chd expression in control whole embryos (un), axin1-depleted embryos (axin-) and axin- embryos injected with axin constructs.

Image published in: Schneider PN et al. (2012)

Image reproduced on Xenbase with permission of the publisher and the copyright holder. Creative Commons Attribution license

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