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Xenbase Image ID: 117474

Figure 5. Superposition of XLF and XRCC4 structures. XLF red and XRCC4 green. (A) Head domains of XLF and XRCC4 superpose, especially in the antiparallel β-sheets and in the helix-turn-helix motif in the middle. XLF differs from XRCC4 in the coiled-coil region. The angle between the head domain and the coiled-coil is larger in XLF than in XRCC4 because of the insertion of αF and αA. (B) The coiled-coil in XLF is much shorter than that in XRCC4, and does not contain an equivalent region to the XRCC4–Ligase IV-binding site. DNA Ligase IV fragment bound to XRCC4 is in magenta.

Image published in: Li Y et al. (2008)

Copyright © 2008, European Molecular Biology Organization. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives license

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