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Figure 6. Accessibility of substituted cysteines in the NR1 and NR2C M3 segments to PTrEA applied in the presence of glutamate/glycine. (A) Mean percent change (% change) in glutamate-activated current amplitudes (first row) or in leak currents (Δ leak) (second row) measured before and after exposure to PTrEA in the presence of glutamate/glycine. Left and right pointing bars indicate inhibition and potentiation, respectively (n > 4). For positions with % change = −100 or Δ leak = −100, potentiation was stronger than 100%. Filled bars indicate that the value of % change or Δ leak is statistically different from zero. (B) Helical net analysis of the NR1 and NR2C M3 segments showing discrete accessibility to PTrEA in the presence of glutamate/glycine (PTrEA+Glu). All positions indicated were tested for accessibility to PTrEA. The display is comparable to that in Fig. 4 but expands the definition of red positions to include those that show a significant change in leak current.

Image published in: Sobolevsky AI et al. (2007)

Copyright © 2007, The Rockefeller University Press. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license

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