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Extended Data Fig. 2. CK-689 does not significantly impact foci movementa, Summary of DSB movement analyses as related to Figures 3, 6, and Extended Data Figure 5. b, MSD of Rad52-mCherry foci and RPA-pEGFP-NLS foci treated with DMSO, CK-689 and CK-666. (Data shown as mean and weighted s.e.m.; Rad52: CK-689 n=3262 foci from 13 nuclei, CK-666 n=2143 foci from 12 nuclei, DMSO n=3292 foci from 12 nuclei. RPA32: CK-689 n=790 foci from 13 nuclei, CK-666 n=823 foci from 12 nuclei, DMSO n=1031 foci from 10 nuclei). MSD of Rad52 DMSO also shown in Fig. 6i. MSD of Rad52 CK-689 and CK-666 also shown in Fig. 3g. MSD of RPA CK-689 and CK-666 also shown in Fig. 3l.

Image published in: Schrank BR et al. (2018)

Image downloaded from an Open Access article in PubMed Central. Image reproduced on Xenbase with permission of the publisher and the copyright holder.

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