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Xenbase Image ID: 116595

Figure 5. IIUI is better than the 4I site for cleavage. (A) Sequence of IIUI and COMP dsRNAs. The two cleavage sites in the COMP dsRNA are labeled as IIUI (open circle) and 4I (closed circle). (B) Cleavage assays were carried out using IIUI and COMP dsRNA molecules [5′ end-labeled on one strand (*)]. Time points used in these assays were 0, 0.5, 1 and 2 h. Cleavage on the top strand of the COMP dsRNA at the 4I site is indicated by a closed circle, while cleavage at the IIUI site on either strand of the COMP dsRNA is indicated by an open circle. (C) Data from cleavage assays as shown in (A) were quantified following phosphorimaging (n ≥ 4). The amount of cleaved product is given as the percentage of the total amount of dsRNA. Cleavage of COMP dsRNA occurred at the IIUI sequence (COMP IIUI) or at the 4I sequence (COMP 4I).

Image published in: Scadden AD and O'Connell MA (2005)

Image downloaded from an Open Access article in PubMed Central. © The Author 2005. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved

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