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Figure 8. Optimized set of configurations of the Ser6′ and Thr2′ side chains. Five representative configurations out of the 72 generated ones of GLIC (A) and GluCl (B) are shown. They maximize the permeant ion (cation for GLIC, anion for GluCl) density at five altitudes in the pore (indicated by a white sphere on the pore axis), from its extracellular to its intracellular end (left to right). The hydroxyl groups of residues 2′ and 6′ are shown as spheres. The favourable region for the permeant ion is shown as a mesh isocontoured at the bulk density value (200 mM) (blue for cation, red for anion). The regions where the permeant ion density is higher than 20 times the bulk value are shown as a blue surface for cation, red surface for anion. The altitudes of experimentally observed ions in GLIC are indicated by dashed lines. On the left of the figure, vertical bars indicate the regions where the permeant ion density is affected by either residue 2′ or 6′.

Image published in: Sauguet L et al. (2013)

Copyright © 2013, European Molecular Biology Organization. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives license

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