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Xenbase Image ID: 151370

Figure 3—figure supplement 2. LTP induction with dynamic-clamp or postsynaptic ryanodine.(A) Potentiating effect of maintaining synaptic efficacy subthreshold by dynamic-clamp injection of gK+ leak (see Materials and methods). Middle trace: subthreshold nicotinic ePSPs in presence of the dynamic-clamp current (trace below). (B). Potentiating effect of intact synaptic activity generating muscle cell AP firing with DICR blocked (100 µM ryanodine). The muscle cell was pre-loaded with ryanodine using the classical whole-cell configuration of the patch-clamp technique. After removing the patch pipette, a perforated patch was performed for electrophysiological recordings.DOI:

Image published in: Ouanounou G et al. (2016)

© 2016, Ouanounou et al. Creative Commons Attribution license

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