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Xenbase Image ID: 120633

Figure 11. Ensemble currents from an outside-out patch reveal a much lower sensitivity to extracellular pH 6.0 applications. (A) An outside-out patch containing a single Cx46 hemichannel was repeatedly exposed to pH 6.0 IPS-A. Hemichannel open probability is not as reduced as with pH 6.0 applications to the cytoplasmic face of the channel. (B) Summation of the 20 traces displayed in A with 30 additional traces from the same patch (not shown). (C) An exponential fitted to the pH 6.0 induced ensemble current decrease. The time constant of decay was 241 ms, and the constant parameter of the fit was −336 pA.

Image published in: Trexler EB et al. (1999)

Image reproduced on Xenbase with permission of the publisher and the copyright holder. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license

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