Xenbase Image ID: 128010
Figure 6. Representation of a skeletal element with multiple classification criteria.The ‘tripus’ is directly asserted (solid lines) to be a type of ‘endochondral bone’, part_of the ‘Weberian ossicle set’, part_of ‘vertebra 3′ and to form through the process of (‘participates_in’) ‘intramembranous ossification’. The reasoner infers (dotted lines) the tripus to be a type of ‘membrane bone’ and a ‘Weberian ossicle’, and infers it to participate in ‘endochondral ossification’. Skeletal element terms are shown in blue fill, skeletal subdivision term in green fill, TAO terms in blue font, VSAO terms in black font, and GO process terms in green font. Image published in: Dahdul WM et al. (2012) Image reproduced on Xenbase with permission of the publisher and the copyright holder. Creative Commons Attribution license Larger Image Printer Friendly View |