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Figure 4. Comparison of the effect of PrP constructs on calcium channel currents containing α2δ-1 or anchorless α2δ-1(A) I--V relationships for IBa recorded from tsA-201 cells expressing CaV2.1/β1b/α2δ-1 alone (■; n=16) with WT PrP (▲; n=10) or ΔGPI–PrP (◆; n=14) or cells expressing CaV2.1/β1b/α2δ-1ΔC alone (□; n=11) with WT PrP (∆; n=13) or ΔGPI–PrP (◇; n=15). The ratio of cDNAs was the same as in Figure 3(A). (B) Examples of families of IBa current traces resulting from step potentials from −90 mV to between −30 and +10 mV in 5 mV steps for CaV2.1/β1b/α2δ-1 alone (top left-hand panel) or α2δ-1ΔC alone (top right-hand panel) with WT PrP (middle panel) or ΔGPI–PrP (bottom panels). (C) Peak IBa currents (means±S.E.M.) for the data shown in (A) for CaV2.1/β1b with α2δ-1 (solid bars) or with α2δ-1ΔC (hatched bars) either alone (black bars) or with WT PrP (light grey bars), or ΔGPI-PrP (dark grey bars). *P<0.05 as determined by one-way ANOVA and Bonferroni's post-hoc test. (D) Western blot of α2δ-1 (upper panels; 4–12% Bis-Tris gel) co-expressed (1:1) with WT PrP (left-hand lane), ∆GPI–PrP (middle lane) or empty vector (right-hand lane; con). PrP expression is shown in the lower panel (4–12% Bis-Tris gel). The lower expression of ∆GPI–PrP in the cell lysate is because much of it is secreted [53]. (E) Western blot of α2δ-1∆C in medium (upper panels; 3–8% Tris/acetate gel) and cell lysate (lower panels; 4–12% Bis-Tris gel) co-expressed (1:1) with PrP (left-hand panels), ∆GPI–PrP (middle panel) or empty vector (right-hand panels; con). In both (D) and (E), all three lanes are from the same blots from which irrelevant lanes have been excised and the molecular mass is given on the right-hand side in kDa.

Image published in: Alvarez-Laviada A et al. (2014)

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