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Xenbase Image ID: 128807

Figure 9. Visual model of the inhibitor effects on transcription of genes involved in eggshell-formation.The inhibition of Src kinases targeted by Herb A and TβRI by TRIKI revealed an influence of both inhibitors on the transcription of genes known to play roles in eggshell formation such as Smp14, Smp48, eggshell precursor protein, SmTYR1 and fs800. Compared to TRIKI treatment, however, a stronger effect on transcription was observed when adult schistosome couples were treated with Herb A. From this we conclude cooperative signal- transduction activities during eggshell-formation with a more dominant role of Src kinases in promoting the expression of involved genes.

Image published in: Buro C et al. (2013)

Image reproduced on Xenbase with permission of the publisher and the copyright holder. Creative Commons Attribution license

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