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Xenbase Image ID: 121409

Figure 9. Cell-attached patch recordings of a nonconnexin channel endogenous to Xenopus oocytes. (A) A record of a single channel at a holding potential of +30 and −50 mV. The channel has a unitary conductance of 20–25 pS at +30 mV and 30 pS at −50 mV. (B) Currents elicited by alternating ±90-mV voltage steps. The channels are slowly activated by depolarization (+90 mV). At hyperpolarizing membrane potentials (−90 mV), the activated channels close and appear to run down. (C) The current–voltage relation of the endogenous Xenopus oocyte channel resulting from a 3-s voltage ramp from +100 to −100 mV. Baseline currents were not adjusted.

Image published in: Oh S et al. (2000)

© 2000 The Rockefeller University Press. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license

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