Xenbase Image ID: 123737
Figure 5. Localization of fluorescent Streptavidin bound to 3–4 biotinylated 2′-O-methyl RNA oligos with (pictures A and B) or without (pictures C and D) m3G-CAP (p-PMO2 and m3G-CAP-PMO2 oligos, respectively). Streptavidin-oligo complexes were transfected into U2OS cell lines by the use of PULSin reagent (protein transfection reagent). After 4 h incubation at 37°C, cells were washed and incubated for 2 h at 37°C before fluorescent microscopy (B and D) and phase contrast pictures (A and C) were taken. Fluorescent microscopy photographs were used to count the cells according to the described criteria and results are presented in the lower table. N and C mark some nuclei and cytoplasm of cells, respectively, in the phase contrast pictures. Solid white arrows indicate examples of cells counted as positive for nuclear enrichment; open white arrows point to cells counted as negative for nuclear enrichment; the open white arrowhead points to aggregates of fluorescent STV complexes occurring during the transfection procedure; open rectangular boxes were drawn around the ‘STV-m3G-oligo nuclear bodies’ formed by increased accumulation of STV complexes in the nucleus. Image published in: Moreno PM et al. (2009) © 2009 The Author(s). Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license Larger Image Printer Friendly View |