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Xenbase Image ID: 117652

Figure 8. Identification of polypeptides that bind to GST-fusion proteins containing the cadherin cytoplasmic tail. (A) Binding of metabolically labeled proteins to GST fusion proteins. Lysates of 35S-labeled HCT116 cells were incubated with either GST, GST-Prox, or GST-FL. Bound proteins were separated by SDS-PAGE. A 92-kD protein binds to both GST-Prox and GST-FL but not to GST alone. (B) β-catenin bind to GST-FL but not to GST or GST-Prox. A Western blot of proteins bound to the GST fusion proteins was probed with a mAb to β-catenin.

Image published in: Yap AS et al. (1998)

Image reproduced on Xenbase with permission of the publisher and the copyright holder. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license

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