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Xenbase Image ID: 124557

Figure 2. Assembly of pre-RC components on telomeric DNA. (A) Assembly of pre-RC proteins on immobilized 0.6 kb telomeric or NT DNA in cytosolic extracts as described in Figure 1B. A part of the membrane stained with Ponceau was used as an internal loading control. (B) Immobilized 0.6 kb NT or telomeric substrates were incubated with egg cytosol at 30 ng/µl for 30 min before addition of 2-fold volumes of NPE. Reactions were processed after 25 min as in Figure 1B. 100 ng/µl Geminin was added to the egg cytosol in lanes 7 and 8. (C) Quantification of the signals for TRF2, ORC2 and MCM6 from (B) for three independent experiments. Signals were normalized to the signal of the Ponceau stain. Values for untreated NT conditions are set to 1.

Image published in: Kurth I and Gautier J (2010)

© The Author(s) 2009. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license

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