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Xenbase Image ID: 126056

Figure 5. The T460S mutation destabilizes the open state of CFTR in the nonhydrolytic K1250R background. (A) Representative normalized decay time courses of WT and mutant CFTR macroscopic currents after the removal of 2 mM ATP (gray). Solid colored lines are fitted exponentials; mean ± SEM relaxation time constants (τrelaxation) are shown in the inset. (B) Thermodynamic mutant cycle for target pair T460-L1353 built on nonhydrolytic closing rates (1/τrelaxation). (C) Noise analysis was performed on 2–3-min records from patches containing <100 channels. Each point represents one patch. Po was calculated for each patch; mean ± SEM Po values are shown in the inset. (D) Thermodynamic mutant cycle for target pair T460-L1353 built on Keq = Po/(1−Po) values under nonhydrolytic conditions.

Image published in: Szollosi A et al. (2011)

© 2011 Szollosi et al. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license

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