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Fig. 6. ASPN inhibits multiple signal molecules. (A) ASPN blocks endogenous Activin, BMP and Wnt signals, as examined by luciferase assays. ARE-luc, BRE-luc or TOPFLASH reporter constructs were injected with 1 ng β-Galactosidase (control), 100 pg Xnr1 mRNA (for ARE), 100 pg BMP4 mRNA (for BRE),100 pg Wnt8 mRNA (for TOPFLASH), 100 pg Xnr1+1 ng ASPN mRNAs (for ARE), 100 pg BMP4+1 ng ASPN mRNAs (for BRE) or 100 pg Wnt8+1 ng ASPN mRNAs (for TOPFLASH) and were assayed at stage 12. (B) ASPN inhibits the Nodal signalling pathway. Animal caps injected with control or ASPN mRNA were prepared at stage 9 and cultured with control medium or medium containing human Nodal protein until stage 10.5. Mix.2 expression was analysed by qRT-PCR. (C,D) Xbra expression was inhibited by ASPN, as analysed by in situ hybridisation. The β-Galactosidase mRNA (light blue product) was injected without (C) or with (D) ASPN mRNAs into one blastomere at the equator region of 4-cell stage embryos and embryos were cultured until stage 10.5. Affected areas are indicated with arrowheads. (E) ASPN has neural-inducing activity. Animal caps injected with 500 pg Chd (lane 3) or 1 ng ASPN (lane 4) mRNAs were analysed at stage 14 by semi-quantitative PCR. (F) ASPN inhibits the Wnt signalling pathway. Animal caps injected with Wnt8 and ASPN mRNAs were prepared and the expression of Xnr3 was analysed at stage 10.5. (G-I) ASPN forms complexes with BMP4 (G), Xnr1 (H) and Wnt8 (I) proteins. In order to avoid artificial interactions in the same cells, each expression construct was separately transfected into HEK293 cells and cells were combined on the following day as indicated. The cell lysates were collected after two additional days and immunoprecipitation (IP) was performed with the HA antibody and western blotting (IB) was performed with the FLAG (G) or myc (H,I) antibodies (*P<0.01; **P<0.05; Student’s t-test). Error bars represent s.e.m.

Image published in: Luehders K et al. (2015)

Copyright © 2015. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher and the copyright holder. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.

tbxt.Lbra, brachyury, ntl, t, t-a, t-b, X-bra, Xbra, XbrachyuryX. laevisThroughout NF stage 10.5marginal zone
dorsal marginal zone
ventral marginal zone
involuting marginal zone

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