Xenbase Image ID: 117271
Figure 1. Plasmid DNA interferes with vesicle recruitment to chromatin and NE assembly. (A) In vitro NE assembly reactions. Decondensed sperm chromatin was added to cytosol containing membranes (row 2) and plasmid DNA (rows 3 and 4) or to buffer containing membranes (row 5) or membranes and plasmid DNA (row 6). Additional membranes were added in row 4. The negative control had no membranes (row 1). After 10 min, the reactions were stained for DNA and membranes. (B) NE assembly reactions after 120 min. Control (row 1) and reactions in the presence of competitor DNA, either alone (row 2) or in reactions containing equal volumes of extra cytosol (row 3), buffer (row 4), or membranes (row 5). (C) Percentage of normally shaped nuclei (with decondensed chromatin, expanded NE, and smooth membrane staining) in reactions to which competitor DNA was added at different time points after assembly had been initiated. Mean values of three experiments. Error bars represent the SD. Bars, 10 μm. Image published in: Ulbert S et al. (2006) Copyright © 2006, The Rockefeller University Press. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license Larger Image Printer Friendly View |