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FIGURE 7. Expression of hNav1.7/WT and hNav1.7/A1632E channels in Xenopus laevis oocytes. (a) Representative current traces of X. laevis oocytes expressing hNav1.7/WT (left panel), hNav1.7/A1632E (right panel) or the combination of WT and A1632E (middle panel) elicited by stepwise depolarizations from −90 mV to +40 mV in 10 mV increments (from a holding potential of −100 mV). (b) Relative persistent current of oocytes expressing the indicated hNav1.7 channels. The measured persistent current at each voltage step was normalized to the maximum peak inward current of each oocyte. Oocytes were injected with the following amounts of cRNA(s) encoding the indicated Nav‐channel: hNav1.7/WT: 30 ng; hNav1.7/A1632E: 30 ng; hNav1.7/WT + hNav1.7/A1632E: 60 ng (30 ng each). (c) Maximal relative persistent current of each cell is shown as it was used for statistical comparison. Data shown are individual values with means ± SD; hNav1.7/WT, N = 14; hNav1.7/WT + hNav1.7/A1632E, N = 13; hNav1.7/A1632E, N = 19. Difference of means: hNav1.7/WT − hNav1.7/WT + hNav1.7/A1632E: −8.8%, 95% CI of difference of means {−13.9; −3.8}; hNav1.7/WT − hNav1.7/A1632E: −29.3 {−33.9; −24.7}; hNav1.7/WT + hNav1.7/A1632E − hNav1.7/A1632E: −20.5 {−25.2; −15.7}. * P < 0.05, significantly different as indicated. (d) Relative persistent current of oocytes expressing the hNav1.7/A1632E channel in absence or presence of difopein. The measured persistent current at each voltage step was normalized to the maximum peak inward current of each oocyte. Oocytes were injected with the following amounts of cRNA(s) encoding either the hNav1.7/A1632E channel or the hNav1.7/A1632E channel + difopein: hNav1.7/A1632E: 30 ng; hNav1.7/A1632E + difopein: hNav1.7/A1632E 30 ng + difopein 12 ng. (e) Maximal relative persistent current of each cell is shown as it was used for statistical comparison. Data shown are individual values with means ± SD; hNav1.7/A1632E, N = 19; hNav1.7/A1632E + difopein, N = 16. Analyzed using a Mann‐Whitney test. Difference between medians: −13.6%, 95% CI of difference of means: {−18.5; −11.4}. For exact numbers of mean, SD, and N of each data point (b, d), please refer to Tables S10‐S14 * P < 0.05, significantly different as indicated

Image published in: Rühlmann AH et al. (2020)

© 2020 The Authors. Creative Commons Attribution license

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