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Xenbase Image ID: 124282

Figure 5. Functional characterization of amantadine sensitivity.A, Current traces at +40 mV and −140 mV in the absence (black) and presence (grey) of 10 mM amantadine for Kcv, Kcv*, and Kcv T63S. B, Comparison of the relative amantadine dissociation constants at +40 mV (2±0.2, wt; 22.4±1.4 Kcv*, 20.5±1.7 T63S) and −140 mV (0.8±0.1, wt; 6.9±0.9 Kcv*, 11.8±0.7 T63S). Errors are s.d.

Image published in: Chatelain FC et al. (2009)

Chatelain et al. Creative Commons Attribution license

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