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Xenbase Image ID: 125122

Figure 2. A variant CRE binding site is required for activity-dependent transcriptional regulationa, a control construct in which 384 bp of the tlx3 promoter drives firefly luciferase reports an increase in relative luminescence (RL) when coinjected with Kir and a decrease in RL when coinjected with Nav. b, mutating the AP1 site (red) has no effect on luciferase expression. c, mutating the CRE site (red) eliminates the activity-dependence of luciferase expression. b–d, data are mean±SEM; n≥3 clutches; *, P<0.05.

Image published in: Marek KW et al. (2010)

Image downloaded from an Open Access article in PubMed Central. Image reproduced on Xenbase with permission of the publisher and the copyright holder.

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