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Xenbase Image ID: 121372

Figure 2. . Voltage dependence of Ba2+ wash-in and washout kinetics. The kinetic experiments were performed with 10 mM Ba2+ at various depolarizing voltages in low external K+ solutions (2 mM). (A) Representative normalized traces are shown. From a holding potential of −80 mV, the KCNQ1 channels were opened at −30 or +20 mV. After 4 s of channel opening, 10 mM Ba2+ was applied for 20 s and thereafter washed out for 16 s at the same depolarizing potential. (B) Ba2+ wash-in kinetics were fitted by a double exponential function with a fast (solid triangles) and slow (solid squares) time constants plotted as a function of depolarizing voltages (n = 5). (C) Ba2+ washout kinetics were fitted by a double exponential function with a fast (empty triangles) and slow (empty squares) time constants plotted as a function of depolarizing voltages (n = 5).

Image published in: Gibor G et al. (2004)

Copyright © 2004, The Rockefeller University Press. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license

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