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Xenbase Image ID: 117714

Figure 13. α-Latrotoxin elicits massive neurotransmitter release from Xenopus neurons. (A and B). Representative examples of membrane currents recorded from myocytes at a preformed synapse (A) and from the myocyte manipulated into contact with the middle axon (B). α-Latrotoxin (1 nM, arrow) was applied ∼5 min after the onset of recording. SSC frequency increased with a characteristic delay of ∼10 min. (C) Quantitative analysis of the effect of α-latrotoxin on neurotransmitter secretion at the preformed synapses (circles) and at the middle axon (squares). Changes in the frequency of the current events with time after the onset of α-latrotoxin application, normalized to the values at the beginning of the recording. Data from five recordings at preformed synapses and five recordings at the middle axon were normalized for each cell before averaging.

Image published in: Zakharenko S et al. (1999)

Image reproduced on Xenbase with permission of the publisher and the copyright holder. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license

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