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Xenbase Image ID: 129557

Figure 7. Cooperation of Mef2c and Mef2d in Xenopus.A, B. The injection of 7(in both cases 3.5 ng per blastomere) did not result in cardiac defects. The co-injection of 7 ng Mef2c together with 7 ng Mef2d MO led to a significant increase of the phenotype. The dotted black lines indicate the heart. C, D. Mef2c MO was unilaterally injected along with RNA coding for hMEF2D. Expression of cardiac marker genes was monitored at stages 20 (tbx20, bmp4; anterior views) or stage 28 (myh6, tnni3; ventral views), respectively. E, F. Mef2d MO was unilaterally injected along with mMef2cγ+ RNA. Expression of cardiac marker genes was monitored at stages 20 (tbx1, tbx20; anterior views) or stage 28 (bmp4, myh6, tnni3; ventral views), respectively. G, H. Mef2d MO was unilaterally injected along with mMef2cγ ˜ RNA. Expression of cardiac marker genes was monitored at stage 28 (ventral view). In all cases, black arrowheads indicate reduced marker gene expression, white arrowheads highlight the rescued expression. B, D, F, H. Quantitative presentations of the experiments shown in C, E, G are shown. N: number of examined embryos; n: number of independent experiments; *, p≤0.05; **, p≤0.01.

Image published in: Guo Y et al. (2014)

Image reproduced on Xenbase with permission of the publisher and the copyright holder. Creative Commons Attribution license

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