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Xenbase Image ID: 123578

Figure 1. Basic properties of human TRPM2 channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes. (A, left) Cartoon (bottom) illustrates conditions to eliminate endogenous Ca2+-activated Cl− currents (top). Steady-state membrane currents in an inside-out patch from a noninjected oocyte, elicited by sequences of voltage steps between –80 and +80 mV (a–d), were assayed in the absence (b and c) and presence (a and d) of bath Ca2+ with gluconate (G−) as the main anion in the pipette but Cl− (a and b) or G− (c and d) alternating (colored bar) in the bath. (right) Ca2+-activated currents as a function of voltage for the G−/Cl− (black circles) and G−/G− (gray circles) conditions. Bath-free [Ca2+] was 125 µM during test a and 1 mM during test d; K1/2 for the Ca2+-activated Cl− current is <4 µM (Kuruma and Hartzell, 2000). (B) Macroscopic TRPM2 current at –20 mV, evoked by exposure to 125 µM Ca2+ + 32 µM ADPR of a patch from an oocyte injected with 10 ng hTRPM2 cRNA. Red line is a single-exponential fit; CAM, 200 nM bovine CAM. (C, left) Unitary currents in symmetrical 140 mM Na+. (right) Single-channel current voltage relationships extracted from the traces to the left (closed circles) and from another patch in Na+/K+ (open circles), both fitted by straight lines to obtain slope conductances. (D, left) Macroscopic TRPM2 current at –20 mV elicited by rapid sequential exposure to increasing [ADPR] (bar) in the presence of 125 µM Ca2+. (right) Currents at test [ADPR], normalized to that elicited in the same patch by 32 µM ADPR, were plotted as a function of [ADPR] and fitted to the Hill equation (solid line). Data are represented as mean ± SEM. Pipette [Ca2+] was ∼4 µM in all panels.

Image published in: Csanády L and Törocsik B (2009)

© 2009 Csanády and Törőcsik. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license

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