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Xenbase Image ID: 124116

Figure 4. Identification of two core promoter elements.(A) A series of mutations and deletions were introduced into the ALF promoter and tested for their effect on activity. Constructs contained nucleotide substitutions (shown in black) or 3′-end deletions (D1A, D2A, and D3A) compared to the wild type controls ALF85 and ALF85+. (B) A set of ALF85 derived constructs injected and tested for activity showed diminished activity with M5A and all the 3′-deletions. (C) A set of ALF85+ derived constructs showed two regions with diminished activity, defined by constructs M5B/M6B and M8B/M9B. (D) Northern blot analysis of wild type and mutant constructs. The top panel shows luciferase RNA levels, the middle panel shows a control 5S rRNA gene hybridization, and the bottom panel shows ethidium bromide-stained 28S and 18S RNA.

Image published in: Li D et al. (2009)

Li et al. Creative Commons Attribution license

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