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Xenbase Image ID: 128119

Figure 8. Meox2 acts downstream of Paraxis and Mef2d on dermomyotome formation.(A). Western blot with anti-flag and anti-tubulin antibodies of late gastrula embryos injected bilaterally either with 300 pg of 5utrMeox2F synthetic mRNA alone (lane1) or with oligomorpholinos: moControl (lane 2) or moMeox2-1 (lane3). (B) Embryos injected unilaterally with 20 ng of moMeox2-1 were submitted to in situ hybridization with Pax3 antisense probe at the tailbud stage (lateral view or transverse section). A co-injection of Meox2F mRNA with moMeox2-1 was able to rescue the phenotype of moMeox2-1 (lateral view). (C) Pax3 mRNA expression on lateral views and section of embryos at the tailbud stage after unilateral injection of Meox2F (200 pg). (D, E) Pax3 mRNA expression on lateral view of embryos at the tailbud stage after unilateral injection of moMef2d1(D) or moparaxis1 (E). Rescue experiments by Meox2F (100 pg) restored the phenotype of moMef2d1 (D) and moparaxis1 (E) morphants. Arrows indicate hypaxial expression of Pax3. (*) Injected side. Nc, notochord. For complete statistical data, see supporting information, figure S2.

Image published in: Della Gaspera B et al. (2012)

Image reproduced on Xenbase with permission of the publisher and the copyright holder. Creative Commons Attribution license

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