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Xenbase Image ID: 124708

Figure 3. CheB42a and llz are expressed in the same chemosensory-related cells.A. The expression levels of both CheB42a and llz were reduced in homozygous Poxn mutants relative to heterozygote controls. Total RNA was extracted from male appendages and was analyzed by quantitative RT-PCR. Data are mRNA in Poxn relative to wild-type control. Expression levels were normalized to the housekeeping gene rp49. y-axis represents arbitrary mRNA fold-difference units, with control expression levels designated as 1 unit. B. Genetic ablationCheB42a/llz-expressing cells reduced expression of both transcripts. The CheB42a promoter-GAL4 line was crossed to UAS-rpr, which induces cell-death [29]. Analysis as in panel A.

Image published in: Ben-Shahar Y et al. (2010)

Ben-Shahar et al. Creative Commons Attribution license

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