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Xenbase Image ID: 125664

Figure 4. Analysis of DmNav1-Nav1.2 DIII SS2 loop chimeras.A. Sequences of SS2 loop in DIII of wild-type VGSCs. B. Diagram illustrating the composition of the SS2 loop chimeras L(Dm)Nav1.2 and L(1.2)DmNav1 (Nav1.2 SS2 loop: grey; DmNav1 SS2 loop: black). C–D. Effect of BmK IT2 on voltage-dependent activation of L(Dm)Nav1.2 and L(1.2)DmNav1 with a prepulse (PP) of −10 mV for 25 ms. ▪, control conditions; ○, 2 µM BmK IT2.

Image published in: He H et al. (2011)

He et al. Creative Commons Attribution license

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