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Xenbase Image ID: 126530

Figure 2. QD-AChR single-particle tracking and trajectory analysis.Single QD-labeled AChRs appeared as bright dots on the surface of muscle cells (A). An example of a 2-D trajectory of AChR single-particle movement under electric field exposure (direction indicated in A) is shown in B, with its projection to the x-axis parallel to the field in C. (D) The plot of MSD and time in logarithmic scale. This plot leads to the calculation of Hurst exponent and diffusion coefficient from the slope and the intercept of the regression line that best-fitted data points as shown. The calculated value of Hurst index is 0.5, indicating that the particle movement conforms to Brownian motion.

Image published in: Zhang HL and Peng HB (2011)

Zhang, Peng. Creative Commons Attribution license

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