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Xenbase Image ID: 84712

Figure 5. B-RAF inhibitor PLX4720 decreased hERG currents in rhabdomyosarcoma RD cells. A. Inward currents elicited in a bath solution containing 40: the membrane potential was held at −80 mV and then after the preconditioning step from −80 mV to +60 mV for 2 s stepped to the test potential of −120 mV for 500 ms. The currents were measured in rhabdomyosarcoma RD cells after 24 hours treatment with vehicle alone (a) or with 10 �M B-RAF inhibitor PLX-4720 (b). B. Mean peak current density � SEM (n = 5�12) plotted against the precondition potential in rhabdomyosarcoma RD cells after 24 hours treatment with vehicle alone (white cycles) or with 10 �M B-RAF inhibitor PLX-4720 (black cycles). C. Mean peak current density � SEM (n = 5�12) measured at −120 mV after the precondition potential to +50 mV in rhabdomyosarcoma RD cells after 24 hours treatment with vehicle alone (white bar) or with 10 �M B-RAF inhibitor PLX-4720 (black bar). *(p<0.05) indicates statistically significant difference from rhabdomyosarcoma RD cells treated with vehicle alone.

Image published in: Pakladok T et al. (2014)

Image reproduced on Xenbase with permission of the publisher and the copyright holder. Creative Commons Attribution license

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