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Xenbase Image ID: 122329

Figure 5. . A long QT mutation in the COOH terminus of KCNE1 is masked by the KCNE3 transmembrane domain. Inset, “Activation Curve Protocol” of 2-s depolarizations used to elicit currents shown. Scale bar represents 1 μA and 0.5 s for all recordings. (A) TEVC recording from Xenopus oocytes injected with Q1 and either E1 D76N (left) or E3 D90N (right). (B) Representative TEVC recordings from oocytes coinjected with Q1 and a chimeric partner protein, E1 D76N with the E3 transmembrane (TM) sequence. All oocytes were injected with equal amounts and ratios of Q1 and E1 or E3 RNA, and were recorded in KD98 using a 13-s interpulse interval. Dashed lines indicate zero current.

Image published in: Gage SD and Kobertz WR (2004)

Copyright © 2004, The Rockefeller University Press. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license

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