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Figure 5. Nucleotide activation of Kir6.2-G334D/SUR1 channels. (A) Kir6.2-G334D/SUR1 current magnitude (IADP) in the presence of 3 µM MgADP (filled squares) or 30 µM MgADP (filled circles), expressed as a fraction of that in the presence of a maximal stimulatory ADP concentration (1 mM; IMAX). This is plotted against the current magnitude in the presence of 1 mM MgADP (IMAX), expressed as a fraction of the current immediately after excision (IEX). The dotted lines represent the best linear fit to the data at 3 µM (lower) or 30 µM (upper) MgADP. (B) Repetitive activation of Kir6.2-G334D/SUR1 channels by different concentrations of MgADP. Nucleotide application is indicated by the bars, and the numbers above the bars give the nucleotide concentration in millimolars. The dotted line indicates the zero current level. (C) Concentration–response relationships for activation of Kir6.2-G334D/SUR1 channels by MgATP (filled circles; n = 8) or MgADP (open circles; n = 8). The lines are the best fit of Eq. 1 to the mean data with EC50 = 7.7 µM and h = 1.30 (MgADP) and EC50 = 112 µM and h = 1.25 (MgATP).

Image published in: Proks P et al. (2010)

© 2010 Proks et al. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license

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