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Figure 3. Fit a 13-parameter Nav-like C5-O-I-CI5 model to the target current traces.(A) A 13-parameter Markov model consisting of five closed states (C0, C1, C2, C3 and C4), an open state (O), an inactivation state (C10) and five closed-inactivation states (C5, C6, C7, C8 and C9). Each of parameters to be fitted is similar to that we described in Figure 1(A). (B–C) See the description in Figure 1B–C. (D) In this model, the target parameters m = 288.655598 ms−1, n = 12 mV, p = 22.144593 ms−1, q = 48 mV, r = 7.5 ms−1, s = 2 ms−1, g = 0.001, d = 0.5 ms−1, c = 4.436203, u = 0.9 ms−1, w = 0.006 ms−1 and j = 4 ms−1; the reversal potential of channels Vr = +55 mV; the single-channel conductance G = 250 pS and the channel count NC = 1. A dependent parameter i = 15 ms−1. The empty circles denote target currents and the solid lines represent fitted currents. The voltage protocols are placed below each of current traces.

Image published in: Wang W et al. (2012)

Wang et al. Creative Commons Attribution license

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