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Figure 2. In vitro phosphorylation of non-S/T-P and S/T-P motif sequences using Arg/Lys-scanning oriented peptide libraries.(a) Schematic representation of Arg/Lys-scanning oriented peptide libraries. See the lower part of the panel for explanation of X0, X1, X2, X3 and R′. Slashes indicate “or”. (b) Each peptide library used (shown only for the -2 to the +6 positions) was incubated with [Υ-32P]ATP and either ERK2 or Cdk1, and analyzed as described in the text and Methods. The radioactive signal of each library (32P) was quantitated and its value is shown just above the signal and in the bar diagram, with the value of XXSPXXXXX being set at 1.0 (mean ± SD, n = 3 for ERK2 and N = 4 for Cdk1). R corresponds to R′ (a mixture of Arg and Lys) in (a), while X is either X0, X1, X2 or X3 in (a), depending on its corresponding positions in (a).

Image published in: Suzuki K et al. (2015)

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