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Figure 7. AQP4 amplifies glial HTS-induced TRPV4 activation with moderate (140 mOsm) but not extreme (90 mOsm) HTS. A, B, Ca2+ signals in response to 140 mOsm HTS were blocked in Trpv4−/− (n = 50) and Aqp4−/− (n = 64) Müller cells compared with WT cells (n = 20). HC-06 inhibited HTS-induced [Ca2+]i elevations in WT cells (n = 14) but had no additional effect in Aqp4−/− cells (n = 7), indicating that TRPV4 activation by HTS requires Aqp4. C, At excessively large hypotonic gradients (90 mOsm), Aqp4−/− cells (blue bar) displayed robust HTS-induced [Ca2+]i responses approaching those of the WT cells. Trpv4−/− cells (red bar) showed no [Ca2+]i response when challenged with HTS.

Image published in: Jo AO et al. (2015)

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