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Xenbase Image ID: 126004

Figure 3. Overall outline of hERGAPDbase. (A) Homepage of hERGAPDbase. (B) Screen capture of the similarity search homepage for query input. In this example, astemizole is specified in the pull-down menu. (C) The resulting table from the similarity search in the FP DB of the hERGAPDbase. (D) Table of the hERG assay data for astemizole in this example. (E) Table of the APD assay data for astemizole. (F) Platform of data download for SDF, SMILES and JPEG files. (G) Paper abstracts of data resources for the hERG and APD assays from PubMed.

Image published in: Hishigaki H and Kuhara S (2011)

© The Author(s) 2011. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license

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