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Xenbase Image ID: 125901

Figure 7. The evolutionary changes of TRPV3 channels in the vertebrate lineages.The major evolutionary events are indicated on the respective branches. The amino acid sequences of the N- and C-terminal regions of the TRPV3 channels were conserved among amniote species, while the N- and C-terminal regions of TRPV3 in the western clawed frog were highly diversified from those regions of TRPV3 in other terrestrial vertebrate species. The ancestral states of the terminal regions are ambiguous since teleost fishes have lost the TRPV3 gene. Western clawed frog and mammals acquired opposite temperature sensitivities of TRPV3 channels; however, the timing of the shift is not clearly determined since the temperature sensitivities of TRPV3 channels of birds and reptiles have not been reported.

Image published in: Saito S et al. (2011)

Saito et al. Creative Commons Attribution license

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