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Xenbase Image ID: 125401

Figure 1. Functional effect of the stoichiometry of ILT subunits on Shaker. (A) Typical recordings of family of ionic currents from oocytes expressing heterotetramer constructs. The pulses were applied from an HP of −90 mV (with or without prepulse to −120 mV, as noted) to membrane potentials varying from −90 to +180 mV, by 10-mV step for each heterotetramers. The external and internal solutions contained 12 and 120 mM K+, respectively. (B) Normalized G-V curves for each heterotetramer. The conductance was calculated using the peak tail currents measured in symmetrical 120 mM K+ for the concatemers 4wt (black squares, n = 4), 1ILT/3wt (red circles, n = 7), averaged of dimers wt/wtILT and wtILT/wt (blue up triangles, n = 9 total), 3ILT/1wt (green down triangles, n = 5), 4ILT (yellow diamonds, n = 5), and Shaker zH4 Δ6-46 ILT (open diamonds, n = 5), respectively. The inset shows the V1/2 of the G-V curves plotted against the number of ILT subunits. The straight line represents a linear fit to the data. The values for 4wt were taken from Fig. 4 of Gagnon and Bezanilla (2009).

Image published in: Gagnon DG and Bezanilla F (2010)

© 2010 Gagnon and Bezanilla. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license

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