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Xenbase Image ID: 122283

Figure 7. . Calcium buffering in developing Xenopus rods. Population average single-photon responses from young tadpole rods (n = 6) and froglet rods (n = 6) loaded with BAPTA-AM were compared with control responses without BAPTA-AM. (A) The recovery of the single-photon response of tadpole rods with BAPTA-AM slowed down relative to tadpole control response. The single-photon response amplitude increased 1.6-fold with BAPTA-AM. (B) The single-photon response of froglet rods was greatly altered by BAPTA-AM. The onset of the response with BAPTA was coincident with the control response; however, the peak amplitude of the responses with BAPTA in the rods increased by almost threefold over the control amplitude. The recovery phase overshoots the baseline, the product of delayed activation of GC.

Image published in: Solessio E et al. (2004)

Copyright © 2004, The Rockefeller University Press. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license

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