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Xenbase Image ID: 123730

Figure 2. ShakB Immunolabeling Is Restored at GFS Synapses in Transgenic shakB2 FliesCorresponding regions of the mesothoracic neuromere of the adult CNS labeled with antisera that detect all ShakB proteins. Images are projections of confocal z series.(A) Wild-type. The midline anterior cluster of staining (arrows) corresponds to the region of contact between axons of the GFs and PSIs and the tips of the TTMn medial dendrites. More posteriorly, the bilateral tracts of staining (arrowheads) profile regions of contact between the terminal bend of the GF axon and the medial dendrite of the TTMn.(B) shakB2 mutants. Immunolabeling is abolished with the exception of discrete spots at the region of the GF-PSI-TTMn contacts.(C–E) Transgenic mutant lines. A307-GAL4-directed (C and E) or c17-GAL4-directed (D) expression of UAS-shakB(n+16) (C and D) and UAS-shakB(n) (E) transgenes in a shakB2 mutant background restores ShakB expression at GFS synapses. In A307 transgenic lines (C and E), immunolabeling is restored at the GF-TTMn and, to a lesser extent, at the GF-PSI synapses. In c17 transgenic lines (D), labeling is restored at the GF-PSI-TTMn midline contacts, but not, to detectable levels, at the GF-TTMn synapses. Arrowheads in (D) indicate non-GFS sensory neurons known to express c17[29]. The genotypes of transgenic flies are as follows: (C) shakB2; A307-GAL4/UAS-shakB(n+16), (D) shakB2; c17-GAL4/UAS-shakB(n+16) or shakB2; c17-GAL4/c17-GAL4; UAS-shakB(n+16), and (E) shakB2; A307-GAL4; UAS-shakB(n).The scale bar represents 10 μm and applies to all panels.

Image published in: Phelan P et al. (2008)

© 2008 ELL & Excerpta Medica. Creative Commons Attribution license

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