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Fig. 4. A hypothetical evolutionary scenario of D1 class dopamine receptor genes in chordates. The four D1-class genes, D1A, D1B (including teleostean D1X), D1C (including sauropsid D1D), and D1E are provably duplicated in the early stage of vertebrate evolution. The duplication process from one to four is not clear. Based on the hypothesis of large-scale gene/genome duplications, together with the phylogenetic position of lamprey D1-like gene, it is possible that ancestral D1 gene was duplicated into ancestors of D1A/B and D1C/E before the separation of cyclostome and gnathostome, and then the two paralogs were further duplicated before the divergence of gathostome lineage. D1C and D1E were secondarily lost in some lineages, resulting in only two paralogs in mammals, for example.

Image published in: Yamamoto K et al. (2013)

© The Author(s) 2012. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license

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