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Xenbase Image ID: 121282

Figure 12. . Comparison of single-channel currents through the wild-type Kir2.1 and the mutants. (A) Representative single-channel currents recorded from Xenopus oocytes using the cell-attached patch configuration. The K+o in the pipette and in the bath were 140 mM. The holding potential for the displayed recordings were −80, −120, and −160 mV for the wild-type, D172N, and S165L channels, and were −120, −160, and −200 mV for the D172N & S165L double mutant. The dashed lines indicate the zero current level after subtracting the leak current. (B) Relationship of single-channel current amplitude and holding potential for wild-type (○), D172N (▪), S165L (▴), and D172N & S165L (+) channels. (C) Single-channel conductance calculated from the slopes of the plots in B; plotted are means ± SD (n = 4–6).

Image published in: Fujiwara Y and Kubo Y (2002)

Copyright © 2002, The Rockefeller University Press. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license

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