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Xenbase Image ID: 154315

Figure 4. Dendogram showing clustering relationships between rhe different MSH proteins, generated with the PILEUP program (37). Abbreviations are as follows: DUT-1: human DUT-1 (22), REP-3: mouse Rep-3 (21), SW14: S.pombe SW14 (20), MSH3: S.ccre\isiae MSH3 (11. 12), HMSH2: human HMSH2 (25. 26). MMSH2: mouse MMSH2, XMSH2: Xenopus XMSH2, MSH2: S.cerevisiae MSH2 (10), MutS (Ec). E.coli MutS (51), MutS (St): S.typhimurium MutS (52), MutS (Av): Azotobacter vinelandu MutS (53), HexA- S.pnaanoniae HexA (54), MSH1: S.cerevisiae MSH1 (10) and MSH4: S.cerevisiae MSH4 (23).

Image published in: Varlet I et al. (1994)

Copyright © 1994. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher and the copyright holder. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.

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